Book Review by WeLoveQualityBooks

Book Review: Every Time He Dies

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Title: Every Time He Dies

Author: Tara East

Publisher: Tara East; 1 edition

Date of Publishing: 5 November 2019

Sold By: Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited

Number of pages: 253 pages


Every Time He Dies is a soft-boiled crime/mystery novel with paranormal elements.The wonderful novel will release around November 5, 2019 and is a novel every book lover should look forward to.

Without giving the plot away, author Tara East has written a beautiful novel about relationships with a twist of the supernatural. By the end of the novel, you are likely to put down the book to call your parent or that distant cousin or aunt that you always loved, but for some reason haven’t kept in touch with. You will count your blessings, remember those who have impacted your life permanently and in a good way.

Daphe, the protagonist goes through a myriad of emotions after she meets a stranger and befriends him. He teaches her of the purest kind of love that is not ascertained by names and titles. He teaches her to forgive and move on. He teaches her what living is really about.

While the stranger teaches Daff about life, her best friend reminds her of what true friends are all about.

While Daff journeys through unusual circumstances, she learns about her strengths and gifts that transforms her life.

Author Tara East has come up with a novel one can easily connect to. The language is simple and evocative. The author creates beautiful imagery with her words in the novel, Every Time He Dies.

The novel Every Time He Dies by Tara East has an interesting plot  The climax of the book is unpredictable. This is a novel that you can’t stop thinking about until you finish it. The end of the book makes it unforgettable.

An interesting, thrilling, mysterious and lovely book like Every Time He Dies by Tara East absolutely deserves 5 stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️


Book Review- Formula of Happiness

Book Review-Formula of Happiness

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Title: Formula of Happiness: The Secret Within You

Author: Monika Singh

Publisher: Vital Vishwa Publications Pvt Ltd; 1 edition 

Date of Release: March 15, 2019

Number of pages: 147 pages


In an era where we are inundated with self help books, Formula of Happiness: The Secret Within You by author is a refreshing change.

Where most of the self help books talk about writers’ personal experiences and how they overcame obstacles in their lives, Formula of Happiness takes a very different approach.

Author Monika Singh does not make the book mundane with personal reflection. Rather, she talks about overcoming challenges and transforming lives by following certain tips and unfollowing behaviour patterns that lead to dissatisfaction, disappointment or heartbreak.

The steps Monika Singh describes to attain happiness and a mental equilibrium are based on case studies and behavioural experiments. Each of author’s idea is backed by empirical proof. This approach of Formula of Happiness wins over the reader’s confidence.

Formula of Happiness by author Monika Singh is a well researched novel. The author has gone to commendable lengthso for the readers’ sake. It must have taken her a while to incorporate the findings of the research in her life and author Monika Singh has done just that.

Reviewing Formula of Happiness was an enriching experience. The case studies and their findings made every word and tip in the book believable. The tips are logical. The language of the book is simple and the steps are easy to follow.

The only drawback of Formula of Happiness is the want for a better edit and proofread. Hopefully, the publishers will fix them in the next edition.

For this amazing self guide, we at WeLoveQualityBooks give author Monika Singh’s Formula of Happiness: The Secret Within You 4 stars!

No Entry_Book Review-WeLoveQualityBooks

Book Review- No Entry

Posted 4 CommentsPosted in Book Reviews

Title: No Entry

Author: Gila Green

Publisher: Stormbird Press

Date of Release: September 17, 2019

Number of pages: 266 pages

ISBN-10: 1925856178

ISBN-13: 978-1925856170

No Entry is a Young Adult Novel written by Gila Green.

The story is set in South Africa and the Kruger National Park. The protagonist, Yael Amar finds difficult to cope with a traumatic experience. To divert herself from the never-ending pain, brave Yael takes up a course in forest conservation that brings her to South Africa and Kruger National Park.

Yael shows grit and determination to win over challenges. She makes some friends in the process and has a life altering experience.

Her fascination with elephants only multiplies during the trip and she finds her calling by the end of the novel.

No Entry by Gila Green- back cover
No Entry by Gila Green- back cover

Author Gila Green chalks out genuine and identifiable characters in the novel, No Entry. She beautifully expresses angst and longing that most young adults deal with everyday. Some teens and young adults deal with over protective parents while there are those who deal with over indulging parents. Then there are those whose parents strike the right balance.

Through the book No Entry, author Gila Green has described how different styles of parenting shape children differently and why what might work with one child might not work with another. The book also describes young love and its transitions perfectly.

What touched the most was the issue with elephant poaching. Gila Green’s words and their imagery tears the heart out. The words, although subtle, leave a lasting impression.

By the end of No Entry author Gila Green will convert all her readers into elephants lovers, if not wildlife conservationists. The author’s narrative about elephant poaching is convincing, touching and heartbreaking. The problems that genuine conservationists face is also realistically expressed.

As an animal lover, I thoroughly enjoyed reading No Entry. There are some heartwarming scenes between Yael and a baby elephant (no, you have to read the novel to know her name) that made me envy the protagonist.

The plot is great and the treatment of the characters is perfect. The plight of the locals who live around forest reservations is also touched upon. The climax of No Entry however, could have been tighter although the climax doesn’t affect the element of surprise that author Gila Green skilfully creates in the novel.

No Entry is a must read for all young adults, adults, nature lovers, animal lovers, elephants conservationists, wildlife conservationists and anyone who likes to read a novel that will transform the way you think.

For such a lovely book that celebrates bravery, compassion and of course the love of the wild, especially elephants ?, WeLoveQualityBooks gives the novel No Entry by Gila Green 4.5 Stars!