Interview with Author Sean- Paul Thomas for

An Interview: Sean-Paul Thomas

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Author, Sean-Paul Thomas in an interview, spoke to us about what makes him the create inspiring, heart-touching and sincere novels. He also told us how his writings cross-over over various genre at


What makes a novel stand out? Why a writer touches a reader’s consciousness more than the others? Why is the author, Sean-Paul Thomas a wonderful writer? I guess it emanates form his joie-de-vivre and his never-give-up attitude. No wonder, his novels have been recognized with award nominations, wow book reviews and excellent readership. Here are the excerpts.


Among the latest releases by author Sean-Paul Thomas are:  ‘The Fairy Boy of the Seven Seas: A Dark, Young Adult, Fantasy Adventure’ that released on March 23, 2017. ‘The Fairy Boy of Calton Hill 3 (The Fairy Boy Chronicles, #3) ‘ was released on June 1, 2017.


WeLoveQuality Books: Sean-Paul, I loved your novel The Old Man and the Princess. What drives you to write novels that touch a reader’s heart?

Sean-Paul Thomas: I just always try to write what I enjoyed reading and watching myself when I was younger. I like stories that are real and that people can resonate with, or have a certain familiarity with while reading them, but I also want them to have a touch of fantasy about them too.


WeLoveQuality Books: Tell us about your journey as a writer.

Sean-Paul Thomas: I started writing screenplays all through my twenties but never really had too much success with them. When I turned 30, I began rewriting those same screenplays as novels instead, and I’ve really enjoyed the process since. I think it’s improved my writing immensely to use some old screenplays as blueprints for more in-depth novels.


WeLoveQuality Books: How much did your background as a child from the army-background mold your writing style?

Sean-Paul Thomas: We used to travel around a lot, so my imagination was always running wild, trying to imagine the next place we were going to live in before we actually went there. It was hard too, always making friends every few years and going to so many different schools that I actually lost count. So sometimes I would rely on books to get me through the hard times of being alone while moving from base to base and settling down all over again.


WeLoveQuality Books: Of all the novels that you’ve written, which one do you most relate to?

Sean-Paul Thomas: I guess Sarah Smiles is the book I most relate too, as it is the book which is most personal and true to me and my family, growing up on one of the many army bases around the world that we lived on.


WeLoveQuality Books:  Have you ever faced the writer’s block? How have you coped with it, if you did?

Sean-Paul Thomas: Sometimes yeah. Going for a walk is good. Mediating is good too. Or just standing on your head for 30 seconds. LOL. What works best for me though is leaving half-finished sentences from where I last left off in a chapter, just so I can start writing a few words and sentences immediately, once I open up that unfinished book again.


WeLoveQuality Books: As a writer, I sometimes get so carried away by my day to day life, that I can’t put my creativity into writing. Other writers might be struggling in a similar fashion. What would be your advice for us?

Sean-Paul Thomas: Try and figure out what time of day you are at your most creative. Morning, afternoon or night? And put an hour aside to read through your own work and write a little too. Turn off the internet. Put your phone on silent or airplane mode, just to make sure there are no distractions and then just simply read through your own work and write too, if you can. Improve on that work and try to make it better.


WeLoveQality Books: The Old Man and the Princess was very well received. Please tell us about the awards.

Sean-Paul Thomas: Yes, it was nice to be nominated for my first award, even though it didn’t win, but it was still really cool all the same. It’s encouraged me now to spend more time on marketing the book further in the future and also to start entering some book competitions to try and boost my profile a little more this year.


WeLoveQuality Books: How about your new novel The Fairy Boy of Calton Hill? What can the readers expect from the novel?

Sean-Paul Thomas: Yeah, I just released part 3 there, so it’s continuing on from the first two books. The world is getting bigger and bolder and more adventurous, and more characters are being introduced too, so it is a challenge to keep track of what’s happening. But I’m having a lot of fun writing it and book 4 should be out later this year too.


WeLoveQuality Books: Some of your works are being adapted into screenplays. Isn’t it exciting to see your work in a different medium?

Sean-Paul Thomas: Yes, I’ve been adapting the books myself back into screenplays again and just slowly submitting them to different producers. I’ve had some good keen interest in a few of them, but it’s a long process, so I’m really hoping that one of them gets picked up this year.


WeLoveQuality Books: What do you think is the highlight of your writing career?

Sean-Paul Thomas: I’ve only been writing books for a couple of years now, so I hope all my best highlights are still yet to come, but getting some recognition for the old man and the princess was very personally pleasing.


WeLoveQuality Books: What are your other interests apart from writing?

Sean-Paul Thomas: I love traveling, hiking, following Scottish football and my team Hibernian FC of Edinburgh. I go to all their home matches. I love playing tennis too. I also used to be a rugby player in my twenties, but too many injuries forced me to give up playing, which I miss so much.


WeLoveQuality Books: Your work is relatable to a different audience and it makes an impact on everyone. How do you cross-over between different types of the audience when you write?

Sean-Paul Thomas: I just enjoy writing in many different genres. I know a lot of writers and readers prefer authors to write in just one particular genre, but I have so many different ideas that cross genres all the time that I just don’t care what people think anymore. If a story resonates with me and I feel really passionate about it and the story and the characters, then I will try to write it to the best of my ability, regardless if it is romance or a sci-fi, period, horror lol.


WeLoveQuality Books: Did you ever face failure in your profession? How did you overcome it?

Sean-Paul Thomas: Yes, all the time. Which is why I don’t just stop at writing one book. I want to write dozens so that my writing is always improving and getting better, and then I will assess where I am when I have around 20 or so books out. Nothing sells forever, so you have to keep coming up with new ideas, new stories, and new adventures and hope that one of them will pick up a good audience, which is why I have recently been getting into writing a series.


WeLoveQuality Books: Where do you draw your inspirations from?

Sean-Paul Thomas: Everywhere and from anything. Even just out walking in the mornings before I write. Sometimes a TV show or an interview I see on YouTube will inspire me, or even reading about some crazy story in the paper or on the local news, and I’m like, damn, that would make a good book.


WeLoveQuality Books: Please tell us where we can get your wonderful work from? I am sure, the readers would want to read all your novels.

Sean-Paul Thomas: I can leave some links below, but mostly just from Amazon right now. But I hope to be able to create a website soon where I can sell them directly to readers from there too.

Amazon UK Author Page

Amazon US Author page


WeLoveQuality Books: Is there a blog or page, your fans can follow you on?

Sean-Paul Thomas: Yes, you can follow me on Facebook or Goodreads.

Goodreads Author Page

Facebook Author Page





Book Review: The Old Man and the Princess

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Title: The Old Man and the Princess

Author: Sean-Paul Thomas

Publisher: Paul Thomas Publishing

Date of publication: October 1st, 2016

Number of Pages: 161



The Old Man and the Princess written by author Sean-Paul Thomas is a Mystery, Thriller & Suspense, a Cozy mystery published by Paul Thomas Publishing. The novel is a fiction that will leave an indelible mark on its readers.

The novel is the journey that the protagonist Shersha takes from her birth till her teens. It talks about that one incident that would change Shersha’s life forever.  We see a head-strong girl move through various foster homes and a sad childhood. Most importantly, we see the fire and the courage the young girl exhibits.

The novel is also about an old man and how Shersha and he form a bond in dangerous circumstances. The Old Man and the Princess brush upon the adventurous zeal of a teenager to the dreams of a senile mind. The plot is gripping, pulling, funny, adventurous, cosy, with a surprising end.

As a book reviewer, I have read many novels. The Old Man and the Princess will always be one of my favourites. I can gift it to friends, assured that they will love it. This novel is a keeper and deserves multiple reads. I don’t think I will ever part with the novel. In fact, I would ask one and all to read it. This novel is for teenagers, parents, young adults, would-be parents, couples and everyone else. I not only fell in love with the novel, but it made me see my parents in a different light. I give them more concessions than I gave them before. For some reason, this novel made me understand a parent’s heart as well as a child’s desires, expectations and emotions. Both the parent’s a child’s feelings are not wrong. The only thing that bridges the divide is love.

And this novel is all about love.

The novel made me understand that a bond between a parent and a child is unbreakable. And dreams do come true. As long as we don’t give up on ourselves, luck will not give up on us. Primarily, Old Man and the Princess by Sean-Paul Thomas made me realise that there is a guardian angel watching over us. It’s someone we can never identify, but if we think hard, we realise there is someone who has protected us, the best they can. It is also an assurance that whatever might come our way, it could have been worse if an invisible power didn’t guard us.

I loved Old Man and the Princess by Sean-Paul Thomas. However much I try as a book reviewer, I can’t remain objective towards the novel. That’s because I loved it. I loved it so much that even after months of reading it, I think about it every day. I have already read it more than once and I am looking forward to a re-read.

This novel is for the keeps and for re-reads. To sum it up, Old Man and the Princess by Sean-Paul Thomas absolutely deserves a five star.

The Old Man and the PrincessThe Old Man and the Princess by Sean-Paul Thomas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brooke Williams An Interview with

Brooke Williams and The Leftover- An Interview

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Brooke Williams spoke to us about her new release, ‘The Leftover’ at


It’s not easy to write a love story. To add a comic flavour to love is even harder. Love can be such an emotional roller-coaster! Brooke Williams and her book ‘The Leftover’ make you see love otherwise. If there are any perfect love stories in the world, where there are” no big tragedies and love wins after all, ‘The Leftover’ will deserve a glorious mention.

Book Review by for The Leftover_Brooke Williams
Book Review by for The Leftover_Brooke Williams

‘The Leftover’ by author Brooke Williams has released on September 1, 2017.


This romantic comedy has already received 30 reviews on with an average rating of 4.6 stars. How did author Brook Williams come up with such a superb novel? Read this interview to find out more!


WeLoveQuality Books: Brooke,  your novel ‘The Leftover’, released on Septemper 1st, 2017. How does it feel?

Brooke Williams: Great! I’m super excited! I got the contract for this book a year and a half ago and we’ve spent a lot of time working on editing and the cover etc. I feel like the book just got better and better and I can’t WAIT to share it with everyone!


WeLoveQuality Books: What are the things that you are doing to promote ‘The Leftover’?

Brooke Williams: Anything and everything I can. I have several book signings lined up for the fall, for one. I have been on many different blogs and am reaching out to reviewers. I have to admit, marketing is not my main talent, but I’m trying!


WeLoveQuality Books: Megan, the heroine of the novel works at the radio station. You have been a radio announcer yourself. How similar are you and Megan?

Brooke Williams: I get a lot of characteristics for my characters from me or people I know and Megan and I are a lot a like. We both wear glasses, for one, and we both feel more comfortable alone than in crowds. I think I deal with my introvertedness” better than she does, but it’s still there! I don’t swim well, either, which is something that comes into play in a very big way for her!


WeLoveQuality Books: What did you like most about being a radio jockey?

Brooke Williams: It’s sounds strange, but being on the radio is a very good job for a closet introvert like me. I talked to thousands of people on a daily basis, but in reality, I sat in a room by myself, basically talking TO myself. So it felt like I was alone and that worked out well for me! It was fun to get to go to all of the concerts and actually meet the bands too.


WeLoveQuality Books: How have you adapted the learning form your job with the radio, into your writing?

Brooke Williams: I’ve always loved to write so it was a perfect segue. And I’ve heard that you should write what you know and since I spent a decade in radio, I know that world pretty well! I was able to take that experience and write it into a book to make it more real.


WeLoveQuality Books: Your previous book was associated with reality television too. Are you a reality television buff yourself?

Brooke Williams: I do like a good reality TV show every now and then! Specifically Survivor and The Bachelor. I wouldn’t say I’m a buff because those are the only two I watch regularly, but they do fascinate me! Sometimes I wonder what the shows would be like with someone like me on them. And that’s kind of where the books come from! That idea evolving.


WeLoveQuality Books: What do you think makes reality TV addictive?

Brooke Williams: I think people can see themselves in some of the characters. With scripted shows, there’s all these gorgeous actors and things go according to the plan on the script. But with reality shows, you never know what’s going to happen and at least some of the people are more real. Anyone can get on the show!


WeLoveQuality Books:   In ‘The Leftover’ each and every character of your plot was very strong. How tough was that to achieve?

Brooke Williams: Characters are hard to form because I’m not the type of writer who plans things out. I let things unfold in the story. So the characters come as they come and that’s that! I don’t really plan them out. I had no idea how large of a role each character would play when I started writing them (other than the main two, of course). So I was lucky that they fleshed themselves out enough as the story went along!


WeLoveQuality Books: The Leftover had no negative character, as such. How difficult is it to write a story where there are no villains?

Brooke Williams: Well, Andrew was sort of a bully character, but he got what was coming to him so that was satisfying. There doesn’t really have to be a “villain” in a romantic comedy. The push and pull of the story revolves around the couple and whether or not things will work out for them.


WeLoveQuality Books: The character in your novel, Andrew. Do you think he will ever find soul mate?

Brooke Williams: Maybe he and Wendy Weathersby (the host of the show) should get together!  I think he could come around. There’s something in his background that makes him the way he is today. If he went back and dealt with those issues, he could be a stand up guy that some lucky girl would be pleased to have. Perhaps that’ll come in another book…


WeLoveQuality Books: Now ‘The Leftover’ has now released. Are you working on your next book, yet?

Brooke Williams: Honestly, not really! I do have a short story coming out in November called “Another Backwards Christmas.” But that might have to be it for a bit for me. I’m a freelance writer professionally and I work on blogs and web content etc for clients. I have two young daughters, one of which is in school, the other just in preschool. So time is very limited. I’ve found that once I get my freelance work in, I don’t really have time for other writing at the moment. That being said, my youngest will start kindegarten next year and I have all sorts of ideas floating around. So with any luck, soon!


WeLoveQuality Books: Brooke, when you’re not writing, what do you like to do?

Brooke Williams: Write. J hahaha It’s my favorite thing to do! But when my girls are around, I don’t. We like to camp on the weekends. We have a little motorhome that’s really fun. I also love to read, which I do when I dry my hair in the morning and that’s about all I have time for these days.


WeLoveQuality Books: ‘The Leftover’ is a mature and ethical. What is your message to the ones searching for love or for those who are striving to make their love last?

Brooke Williams: I really wanted this to go beyond the love story and work on self-confidence. My main character, Megan, really doesn’t have any. But we see through the story her confidence in herself build. She realizes that she’s a good person just as she is and that she doesn’t have to change herself in order to find love. She shouldn’t, in fact! That’s a lesson anyone should learn. You should be loved for who you are. Anyone who loves you for any other reason doesn’t deserve you.


WeLoveQuality Books: Please promote this perfect love story. 

Brooke Williams: Amazon | iBooks | B&N | Kobo | Google Play

Megan Malone is the ultimate homebody. When her sister talks her into going on The Leftover, a local version of the TV show Survivor, she isn’t sure she’ll make it past the first vote. Cane Trevino is nursing a broken heart by joining the show as a medic. With time away from his regular job and a dozen contestants to distract him, he hopes he can finally get over the woman he thought was “the one.”


Know more about the author and her novels at


Book Review by for The Leftover_Brooke Williams

Book Review: The Leftover

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Title: The Leftover
Author: Brooke Williams
Publisher: Boutique of Quality Books
Date of publication: September 1, 2017
Number of Pages: 264
ISBN-10: 1945448040
ISBN-13: 978-1945448041


The Leftover‘ is a scintillating romantic comedy penned by author Brooke Williams.


A young, promising, talented and lonely girl Megan Malone unwillingly accepts the offer of participating in a reality show. She has had high expectations love. Yet, she has no hope of finding the perfect one.


Her social incompetency burdens her. Megan’s fear of facing the new world shackles her. Her love for her sister works as an indefatigable impetus. It empowers her to challenge her social awkwardness, her physical limitations- to bloom as a more confident person.


Cane Trevino is irresistible! Every girl swoons over him. Every guy is awed by his personality, kindness, and charm. Cane hides a deep hurt! He has withdrawn from the world. Albeit, the world beckons him. Does he have the strength to break free from the pain?


‘The Leftover’ delivers realistic characters, original situations and a love story throbbing with happy possibilities. The other people in the novel add zing, fire, hatred, laughter, and adventure!


The storyline is compact, engrossing and believable. The novel underlines basic values that bring out the integrity of humanity. The happy-go-lucky novel, ‘The Leftover’ was seriously a fun read! ‘The Leftover‘ is unputdownable. I read it in 36 hours- straight.


Volunteering to review ‘The Leftover’ by Brooke Williams was an absolute pleasure. The novel has given me the courage to believe that love lasts as do friendships. ‘The Leftover‘ reiterates the conviction that goodness exists irrespective of nefarious intentions and callous people infesting our environment.


My rating for ‘The Leftover’ by Brooke Williams is the perfect score of 5 stars! I guess it will be nice to alternatively rate ‘The Leftover’ with 5 hearts- ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 


The LeftoverThe Leftover by Brooke Williams

My rating: 5 of 5 starsView all my reviews





Book Review: Spellcaster Author: George Bachman ©

Book Review: Spellcaster

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Book Review: Spellcaster Author: George Bachman ©
Book Review: Spellcaster
Author: George Bachman

Title: Spellcaster

Author: George Bachman

Publisher: Sublime Ltd.

Date of publication: April 3, 2017

Number of pages: 262

E-Book ISBN: 978-0-9908990-2-0

Store: Kindle



Spellcaster by George Bachman is a Historical/Fantasy/Paranormal & Urban novel set in the Victorian era (1837-1901).


The protagonist Christine and her sisters arrive at their family friend’s residence- The Marble’s. Christine, Allison, and Natalie are the debutants of the year. While the sisters and their friends are busy searching for a suitable husband, Christine searches for those who haunt her in her lucid dreams.

Christine has a strong ESP. Gradually her dreams turn into nightmares!


Several times, the sixteen-year-old, has out-of-body experiences. Our strong heroine hides her physical and mental turmoil from her sisters and family. Sometimes Natty, who shares the room with Christine, feels that her sister needs help. Christine, however, convinces her, every time with her wit that she is completely fine.


As the dreams become more lucid, frightening and recurrent, the young lady decides to unearth the cause of it all.


Christine uses her talent as an occultist to unearth her past- life- experiences eclipsing her present life. She uses magic and some amounts of selfishness to find her lost friend from the other life. Christine succeeds but is riddled with guilt for sacrificing Allie’s happiness and future.

Christine and her friend use astral projection to return as people of their previous lives- to France. Here we are introduced to the Spellcaster. Christine, who was a knight in the twelfth century, takes us on a high-voltage adventure and to a grand finale.


The novel is engaging. There are a lot of magical rituals which arouse different sensory experiences. There is a Jane Austin-ish feeling to the novel initially that completely flips into an action fantasy. The narrative moves into different genres deftly. The battle techniques are frightening, exciting and exhilarating to read. The reader is left to wonder if the magic can be as powerful! It’s amazing!

The conclusion to the book is befitting for the strong Knights of Spellcaster. The only thing that I missed was how Christine’s life turned out. Maybe, George Bachman, the author has a sequel planned. It would be nice to see Christine, her sisters, and her friend whom she found after terrible endeavor get a just story of their own.

I would give Spellcaster 3.5 Stars and will implore all fantasy lovers to definitely read George Bachman’s spellbinding novel.

Book Review: ©
